Thursday, May 6, 2010

Preparing for the Journey

So, if it's not clear already, I really have no idea what I'm doing as a blogger. I didn't even know how to create a blog (if you can't tell by the shitty template).
BUT, I'm really excited, and nervous, and anxious, and everything is completely surreal at this point. I leave for Mexico in a matter of hours. I mean, I do have to get over a cumulative final at 8am tomorrow first, but that's not what this whole thing's about.

Basically, I need to study so let's get to the point:
I'm creating this blog to remember and share my experiences while studying abroad in Guanajuato, Mexico this summer. Who knows if it will be interesting or worth your time reading, but there's only one way to find out..


  1. I'm disappointed in your choice of title. I still think "Heather's Excellent Mexican Adventure" would have been cooler.

  2. whateva, whateva, i do what i want. =)
